
Senior Math Seminar

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Saved by Joan Pacini
on September 9, 2021 at 3:37:27 pm

Hello Students in Algebra 1a.  Please make sure you are logged into the correct Google Classroom account.  


Google Classroom Codes for the  2021-2022


Period 4: jm4qfvp

Period 5: 7epi72p

Period 7: iqmckmp




IXL.com is a skill website that the high school uses.  There is a login that is personal to each students and more directions on the login and password will be given directly to each student.  IXL is able to track students progress and can tell exactly how long each problem took to complete.  This is a good resource for students to use and will be assigned weekly.  


Algebra 1a Syllabus / Outline

Materials needed for class:

1)      Folder for papers from this class.  This will be needed when we return to school.

2)      Writing Utensil – Sharpened Pencils and an eraser

3)      Charged Chromebook– Students will have access to an on-line textbook through the chromebook.


Units Covered in Algebra 1a:

Integers                                                    Slope

Equations                                               Point Slope Formula

Two step equations                                Combining Like Terms



Assignments and Grading:

Averages for the class will be scored on a Total Points basis. This means that each scored activity will be assigned a certain point value (based on the assignment’s rigor and length) and the overall average is calculated by dividing the points the student has earned by the total points available. Although class averages are calculated with Total Points, each assignment on Power School will identified into 1 of the 4 categories listed below:

a)       Classwork and Homework Average – typically 10 or 20 pts each. These assignments serve as review and practice of concepts and skills covered in class. Classwork and homework is almost always scored on completion. In some cases, these will not be formally collected.


  b)       Quiz Grade – usually 30 to 50 pts each. There will typically be 2-3 quizzes per               unit, approximately 5 per marking period. These are usually not traditional quizzes, but activities that review important material covered in class. The quizzes are always announced and usually are very similar to the lab activities.


c)      Test Grade – 60 to 80 pts each. Each unit will conclude with an assessment. The assessment usually require you to incorporate a number of the skills and concepts you have learned throughout the unit into a new (but familiar) challenge or task.


Google Classroom:

The Google Classroom will have a large presence in this class. A lot of the practice activities completed in class will have answer keys posted to the Google Classroom, after they have been checked and reviewed in class.

Many of the activities will involve the Google Classroom, at least partially. The due dates for assignments turned into the Google Classroom are not flexible due dates.Reminder: When students submit work to the Google Classroom, the work is “timed stamped” and there is no ambiguity as to when it was submitted.  We will also be using Go Guardian to track students’ computer use during class time.

Due to being virtual and hybrid to start the school year, we will use additional on-line resources that might need you to sign-up or register for. We will pass along those instructions as needed.


Partial Credit for Late Assignments:

Students will have extensions for work due dates due to absence from class. There may be other legitimate reasons for students to get an extension and submit work after the official due date. It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements to have a due date extended for some reason.

Academic Dishonesty:

In its simplest form, Academic Dishonesty means that what you put your name on is not entirely your own. Of course, we are all aware of methods to correctly and responsibly cite materials on-line and from other resources.  When a student is guilty of Academic Dishonesty in this class, this is what will happen:

a)       The student(s) involved will get a zero for the assignment(s).

b)       I call /email parents to make them aware of the situation.

c)       I notify the Attendance Office and Assistant Principle for Curriculum and Instruction.

d)       I report incidences of Academic Dishonesty to the National Honor Society Selection Committee, should the student(s) be academically eligible for admission to NHS.



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